perform | angst
... so the mechanism and the machine | with its hulking and ghostly grey pillars | of efficiency and extraction and exploitation | can continue its relentless grind forward
Show me what - and how - you think without using language. When you are not constrained by its abstraction and reduction. Let me see what you see. That concrete reality for which there are no words.
My daughter scribbles on my lecture notes. Which lie scattered around the house. This was her latest. She has a point. And any academic lamenting poor attendance and engagement in their lectures should consider it one of the biggest reasons
off grid
i am going to go offline for a bit. for those doing the experience course I am going to press my hands into the earth. for those doing the tech I am more than happy to let the technium whisper
Our inability to accept limits is our downfall. We believe that “if we don’t have [it] here we can just get it from somewhere else”. It is one of the most damaging ideas we have ever had. An "extreme fantasy"
This ⎮ is your invitation ⎮ to revisit ⎮ to reimagine ⎮ refashion ⎮ remake ⎮ and if not now then when? ⎮ cling to the status quo risk ⎮ having your hand forced ⎮ by something far grander than
I was asked recently what we should be trying to chase in our graduates. And I paraphrased and built on Andrzej Klesyk's line when I answered, "we are looking for honest, courageous independent thinkers who can deal with the
Same Water
A time limited response (5 minutes maximum) to Jean Rath and Ursula Edgington and a possible conclusion to a session of poetic inquiry on technology and higher education
It touches everything you care about ⎮ So I want you to take a stand here. This is a constantly and rapidly evolving relationship that has defined our past, defines our present, and will forever define our future. It touches everything you care about. From