all that way
only to let it all go1, 2
is that true wisdom3, 4
not only let go of the self
but everything it has ever learned
steep curve
more full circle
shisui’s japanese death poem brush stroke5, 6
is that where
and why
you and i we
the knower must ultimately go1
if i share this with you now would it change your approach
if i craft and deliver an inspired gathering story8
that touches everything you care about
tap into that transformative power that
inner catalyst and match9
we keep scrambling grasping
at normal
why i’m not sure
or convinced
seems backwards and
incapability an unwillingness
to “confront the cracks …” and to see and create
and “hold alternatives”10
its a fear thing11
let it go “no-
detachment transcends
lets you float
towards a new type of thinking
and a new way of looking at the world12, 13
beyond content beyond courses beyond degrees
so lean in14
its ok you don’t have to always know
lean in to where that steep curve bends back and turns it back
on itself
and the rational mind in the process1, 2, 3
kerouac’s “visionary tics [begin to] shiver inside [your] chest”15
danielle celermajer’s imagination and imaginaries grounded16
in ideas
that no longer touch or tread on
octavia butler’s “what if”
no tether whatsoever16
could you chase thoughts with no thinker2
could you chase “a place behind yourself”7 ourselves
huxley’s elegantly simple revelation clouded
by the “pregnant prose” and the “pretence of [all] poets”17
my teaching
and more than likely this poem
imagine following that curve to the end only to realise
something’s off
and missing
imagine going all that way only to realise
it was all just “a hustle”1
i heard shisui’s final poem was forced and
if you look closely
his painted circle seems incomplete
bear witness18 to that and this
and to the moment and to the other
the others
offer them your hand and your heart and your hope
“let that [self
and all its] self-centred striving
simply vanish”19
and bear witness
to jess scully’s “not yet conscious” and the “not yet become”16
to possibility
and to experience
far beyond that of intellectual understanding2
to that increasingly lost in the mist
collective common cohen’s “fundamental”20
listen to archie roach go beyond his “flesh and blood”21 and
bear witness to what lies beyond kirilly dawn’s “handed down” bones22
embedded deep in
nathan scolaro’s “small details”21 and realisations realised through
intimate conversations4, 10, 14
parker palmer’s admission of inner entanglement and the projection of his soul
both light and dark
his heart23
coursing through and out of padraig ó tuama’s ‘facts of life’24
like blood like flood
you’ll find it
beyond our minds
and all our words
“unwilled, unleashed, unbound”17
take your time
for we need honest and courageous independent thinkers
who can deal with the unknown not
those who can “memorise the keys and formats to the tests”25
you are here to lead
not be led
you are here and “here now”1 to re-envision
nipun mehta’s man with no legs and the tulsi plants is proof
that you don’t need anything
you can lead
with “inner transformation first”27
sense something larger and still create
become and be something larger
you are the solution
you can “forget yourself”7 completely and still
in fact you’ll have to
is this where
and why
we you and i
thanks for your courage8
and for staying open
to mystery that “unspeakable
trouble”28 and
for not running away
from it or me and thanks
for your failure
your failures
for if there was ever a place to fail and still be ok this should be it29, 30
and i’d like to thank you for your time
your energy
for you
for coming all this way
and for never once asking me what i am here to actually teach.
Originally written for Griffith Review 75's call for submissions on 'learning curves' but was rejected. So when I had some space I decided that rather than flogging it around I would just publish it here and move on.
'this way' ⎮ 22⎮ 02 ⎮ 2021 • intalligo print • 01 / 01 • ink ⎮ paper
305mm x 223mm ⎮ Landscape
17⎮ 10 ⎮ 2022
7⎮ 12 ⎮ 2021
15⎮ 03 ⎮ 2021