not everyone is a great storyteller
and not everyone has a great story to tell
but we have been convinced that reality is only
what we can prove
and preserve
by sharing1
so we write
fantastic fictions
and we record
often desperately
regardless of whether we have the skill
something worthwhile to say
a focus or grip
on truth
“the self we once knew no longer exists”2
and the self we once knew now skates anxiously
across the surface of life3
identities tethered
to data and timelines
edited faces
and their edited face facial recognition tags
beautifully curated4
the self we once knew became
more than a collage of content1
a living breathing chimera
and a series of abstract and skittish avatars
built on a huge pile of “ego boosting puffery”5
total disclosure
total transparency of living1
is what they sold
and then made decree
to remain invisible or unspoken here
renders us suspect1
of denying others and the world
access to our knowledge opinion and daily experience
no matter how questionable limited or mundane
so you
best say something
you best invent
a self
a reputation
a permanent record
that you are somehow unique
belong here1
and deserve a place
sujatha fernandes is right though
do so without depth
nor mystery
no complexity4 no unknowns no
will like it
her use of the word eviscerate is savage
to disembowel
take the eyes
she’s justified
“personhood is being reduced”5
by illusions
and “bits”5
and defiled
by software
jaron lanier believes “this is no longer about us”6
he is a romantic
there is a chance it never was there is a chance
this is
and has always been
about the big servers6 and the
god-like soon to be talking heads in jars tech entrepreneurs who own them7
this is about power
and invisibles
with no official friends
no followers
nothing to share
nothing to pour into cloud of information encircling their entire existence1
those wretched invisibles
with no reputation
no repute
no standing
no leash
skate on very thin ice
they are
and found guilty
of “stealing
from humanity’s transcendental tech project
of self projection”1
they are traitors
and ghosts
these platforms
you watch me and I
watch you
and then we “police ourselves
knowing the corporation that gave us the [stage]” looks on3
wonder why the self that is photographed is photoshopped
then run through a series of filters to ensure
it looks
like every other self wonder why
“the self that is writing [seems] so distant
from the self
that is being written about”
“social surveillance becomes self surveillance”3
it’s terrible and
terribly effective
in ensuring discipline and
you best approximate supposedly normal behaviours because
social media is a regime3
alessandro acquisiti once asked,
“what would a future without secrets look like?”8
and carole cadwalladr recently showed us just how dark
a future
with that kind of undertow could be9
ladies and gentlemen roll up
and welcome
the human use of human beings10
richard flanagan once wrote,
“the aim of all dictators is to destroy all private life
because it is there we know freedom”11
and yet here we are
locked in5
an invisible version of his totalitarian
let yourself fall in love risk
a broken heart
but let yourself fall in “love [with] a medium
made of software [risk]
becoming trapped
in someone else’s careless thoughts”5
i wonder if mark zuckerberg sometimes wakes at night
fast breath and beating heart
anxious sweat wide eyed
that we’ll all just up and leave
a mass exile
followed by a mass exhale
“we cannot have a society in which if two people wish to communicate the only way for that to happen is if its financed by someone who wishes to manipulate them”5 so
i stopped skating
and skating for these guys
long ago
and we may cross paths one day
you and i outside
sit down and talk
slowly pile up those layers3
you’ll find me as I you
“quite odd” up close12
always a counter always a contrast always a contradiction
cognitive dissonance drives us forward13
and with any luck
and we will laugh at each other and
with each other
because of it and because of it all and because
invisible and unspoken
forever banished branded as thieves
we traitors
we ghosts
the unfiltered
we the unpublished
we the unknown
will sit there together
under the unfiltered unedited and uncut sun
all rough and raw flawed human ideal
knowing we’re free
and that our shit stories are real14.
ISSN 2209-3028
Respond to Sujatha Fernandes's article, 'The evisceration of storytelling'. Oxford University Press, June 19, 2018.
305mm x 223mm ⎮ Lanscape
'elixe' ⎮ 22⎮ 02 ⎮ 2021 • intalligo print • 01 / 01 • douce ⎮ stonehenge
28⎮ 06 ⎮ 2021
10⎮ 08 ⎮ 2021
Sujatha Fernandes (University of Sydney) ⎮ Ash Watson (University of New South Wales) ⎮ Travis Patterson (Byron School of Art)