in a world filled with people shouting
look at me
the ability to craft and deliver an honest and authentic and altruistic story
that is not only truly heard
but has lasting positive impact
is cruicial
for those with something worthwhile to say
and wish to create
and drive
for the welfare and well-being of those it targets
and for the world at large
and if we teach enough people how to do this well
then perhaps
we will create exactly what it is we want
and need
and in the process
and as part of it
stop the shouting
that relentless white noise
for which there will be
a collective benefit.
Students + Higher Education
Embedded into a lecture ⎮ a push to find links in content ⎮ and generate angles ⎮ and ways forward⎮ that are uniquely theirs.
Burnt Out Nissan ⎮ Cabarita ⎮ NSW ⎮ 2020.
On Silence
A burnt out vehicle is a statement. Somewhat violent, confrontational and illegal sure. But it is its ability to silence ⎮ and to say so much with silence ⎮ that is truly captivating. And for those listening ⎮ and even those who aren’t ⎮ it is a silence that is truly heard.
So What
So write me something as arresting and as thought provoking as the hot black skeleton of a car burnt to its rims. Write me something new. Write me something you.